Getting started in the art festival circuit: Taxes and Licenses

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This is a three part series to help you get started in the art festival circuit. Part 1: Doing your research Part 2: The application process Part 3: Taxes and Licenses (this article) You’ve applied and been accepted into shows. … Read More

Getting started in the art festival circuit: Application Process

posted in: art show, tips | 0

This is a three part series to help you get started in the art festival circuit. Part 1: Doing your research Part 2: The application process (this article) Part 3: Taxes and Licenses You know your target market. You are ready … Read More

Getting started in the art festival circuit: Research

posted in: art show, tips | 0

This is a three part series to help you get started in the art festival circuit. Part 1: Doing your research (this article) Part 2: The application process Part 3: Taxes and Licenses As a photographer who attends art festivals across … Read More

11 tips to safely photograph wildlife

Who doesn’t love seeing wildlife in its natural environment?!? It’s exhilarating for sure. How can you enjoy yourself while keeping the animals wild and undisturbed? Here are a few tips to keep in mind when trying to photograph wildlife. 11 Tips to safely photograph … Read More

Hiking Fern Canyon photography tips

Visiting Fern Canyon in Redwood National and State Park is worth it! This scenery, made famous in a scene of Jurassic Park. is otherworldly. Imagine walking through a narrow canyon where the walls are completely covered by luxuriant ferns and mosses … Read More

Discover sea otters

Have you ever found yourself in a conundrum about which direction to go? Well, here’s my conundrum. I am in my RV about 2 hours from Yosemite and about 2 hours from the coast (Monterey Bay) where there is promise … Read More

Red Rock Canyon State Park Photography

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So I’m staying in this little rinky dink town in California with nothing to do. Why did I pick it? Well, it was cheap. It’s on my route north. I thought I could have a week of heads down with my work and some relaxing. … Read More

3 Tips for photographing waterfalls

So you’ve seen water pictures that you love. They have the flowing water in them and you are amazed. Then you say to yourself, how did the photographer do that? Your water photos look like this…splashing water everywhere. You play … Read More