Great Horned Owl Nest

Great Horned Owl Nest

This spring I’ve been following the progress of a great horned owl nest.  There are 3 owlets in the nest and they have been a hoot to watch!  I have really enjoyed going back a few times a week to see their growth and progression.  Unfortunately, feeding time happens after dark so photos don’t come out well.  But in the afternoon and evening before sunset they are adorable! curious owlet Recently, the largest one was testing its wings just on the edge of the nest.  I’m assuming it will fledge very soon because it has been on the edge quite often.  So exciting to see the birds grow up with such care from the mom and dad.  Mom is always in a tree nearby and dad is usually not too far either. So special and so fun!  Which is your favorite shot? testing wings Bored with all the attention