I’ve had a lot of fun photographing these large birds. They can be so graceful despite their size. They are also full of personality. 1. Pelican is a giant bird, which has a wingspan of five meters, so that they are able to fly up to an altitude of 3000 meters. 2. Pelicans live on every continent except Antarctica. 3. There are eight species of pelicans, the majority of which live in warm regions, mainly near the coast and estuaries. 4. Pelicans eat fish, tadpoles, crustaceans and sometimes even turtles. 5. After catching pray, pelican pushes water to the sides, and then moves the food into the throat and swallows it. 6. Pelicans like to hunt in groups. They can send the fish in shallow water, flapping on the water. Small beak at the top of the bill is needed to fix the slippery food. Sometimes it also helps to catch the big fish, and threw it over, swallow.
7. Compared to all the birds of the world in the most spacious pelican’s beak, which can hold 3 buckets of fish. 8. Pelicans are among the heaviest flying birds, but, despite this, their skeleton is 1/10 of body weight.
9. Provide additional buoyancy air bags are located among the bones, chest, neck, under the skin and wings. These bags are help to swim better and improve the aerodynamics of flight. 10. Pelicans have no nostrils and they breathe through their beaks.